
So in case you aren’t up on the my day to day blog posts (shame on you), last night I had some of my college girlfriends over for some food, some drinks and some girl talk. Of course they are all wonderful and gracious people and offered to help in the kitchen the second they each arrived. This would be totally amazing if I had my parent’s kitchen.

But I don’t. I have a teeny tiny kitchen so they have to keep out or I get stressed and start screaming like a banshee. I DON’T look cute as a banshee.

Without my main camera man, I needed someone snapping shots. So, naturally I asked those so eager to help in the kitchen if they would help out by taking photos. Great idea. Right?

Wrong. I learned a very valuable lesson last night. Do not give your friends the responsibility of taking photos of your food for your FOOD blog if they have wine in their hands. Or even near them really. You will end up with a whole lot of this…

So thank you ladies! I will now be making at least 3 out of 5 dishes over again so I can actually have photos of them. I would say that I’m mad, but they were all really good and I will gladly eat them again. Eric thanks you too since he will get to eat them the second time around.

Love and Beer Floats

Oh yeah… and I accidentally lit something on fire. Whoops. Don’t worry; I waited for someone to take a picture before I put it out. I wouldn’t want you to miss out.