How To Guide: Homemade Tortilla Chips
The best part of having dinner guests is getting to put them
to work in the kitchen.
My brother Josh was home the last couple of days on a small
break from water polo which means I had a kitchen slave.
And what good is a kitchen slave if you don’t take full
advantage of them?
So for dinner I decided to make something I’ve been wanting to
make, but haven’t wanted to spend all that time in front of the stove doing the
same thing over and over.
I realize that I haven’t even told you how to make something
yet and it already sounds not fun at all.
BUT, you can make these just a couple of servings at a time
since you probably won’t be eating a whole batch and it will take no time at
You will need…
1 package corn tortillas, cut into 4 triangle stacks
¼ cup – 1 cup of oil that has a high smoking temperature
(vegetable oil, peanut oil, safflower oil)
Salt to taste
Start by heating ¼ cup oil in a large sauté pan.
When the oil is very hot add in individual tortilla triangles
in a single layer. Do not over crowd the pan.
Fry the tortillas until they are golden brown on both sides.
About 2 minutes a side.
When they are nice and golden, remove them from the oil and
place them between two paper towels to wipe off the excess oil.
Love and Beer Floats
1 package corn tortillas, cut into 4 triangle stacks
¼ cup – 1 cup of oil that has a high smoking temperature
(vegetable oil, peanut oil, safflower oil)
Salt to taste
Start by heating ¼ cup oil in a large sauté pan.
When the oil is very hot add in individual tortilla triangles
in a single layer. Do not over crowd the pan.
Fry the tortillas until they are golden brown on both sides.
About 2 minutes a side.
When they are nice and golden, remove them from the oil and
place them between two paper towels to wipe off the excess oil.