Roasted Garlic and Sage Butter

I survived!

It was a really close call. Lifeguards were summand, lifesavers were utilized, the event was delayed, but I did not drown.

Just kidding. I made it through my alumni swim meet with out major injury or incident.

Shockingly, it was actually really nice getting back in the water. I may even do it again soon.

The alumni team didn’t win, but we were very close. If our coach hadn’t disqualified us on a technicality from the backstroke event, we would have had it in the bag.

Now that I’ve exerted all that energy, I am rewarding myself with something decadent.

You will need…

1 cup butter

2 heads of roasted garlic

2 tablespoons finely chopped sage

1 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon pepper

Start by combining all of the ingredients in a food processor.

Blend the butter until everything is completely combined.

Spread the butter onto some plastic wrap.

Wrap up the butter into your shape of choice and pop it in the fridge.

Let the butter harden and then use.

This butter is great on bread, slathered all over some chicken that is then roasted or on top of a steak fresh off the grill.

Love and Beer Floats

Roasted Garlic and Sage Butter
1 cup butter
2 heads of roasted garlic
2 tablespoons finely chopped sage
1 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon pepper

Start by combining all of the ingredients in a food processor.
Blend the butter until everything is completely combined.
Spread the butter onto some plastic wrap.
Wrap up the butter into your shape of choice and pop it in the fridge.
Let the butter harden and then use.
This butter is great on bread, slathered all over some chicken that is then roasted or on top of a steak fresh off the grill.