Posts tagged zest
tips & tricks: the micro plane

now i know that I have already touched briefly on the amazingness of the micro plane. sure it is great for lemon zest, but it has some other really great (and important) uses. if you don't yet have one of these handy guys you can purchase one HERE

i know what you are thinking... why on earth do i need this wand of grating magic when i already have a grater?

here is why. the ridges of the micro plane are a bit sharper and more defined making it optimal for not only harder cheeses, but also for citrus, garlic, ginger and cucumbers. and that's just what i have come up with so far. 


when i'm looking for just a bit of cucumber juice for a cocktail or for some shredded cucumber for some dip or baking, the micro plane is the tool for the job. 


we know it's a perfection for zesting citrus. that citrus zest can be used in pretty much anything. from meat marinades, to salad dressing, to cakes. you are only limited by your imagination. 


the micro plane is ideal for fine grating hard cheeses. if you want that beautiful, snow looking parmesan or pecorino, you NEED the micro plane. 


i love finely grated ginger and ginger juice is AMAZING for you but oh so hard to chop up. using your micro plane creates that fine ginger great for marinades, sauces and juices that you can't achieve any other way. the micro plane separates the good root from the fibrous bits. 


the micro plane works just as well when you want really fine garlic.

and i know what you are thinking. they must have paid her to say this! nope. i just can't live with out my micro plane and you NEED this kitchen game-changer. 

xo, a



tips & tricks: citrus peels

one of my biggest pet peeves in the kitchen is waste. it drives me nuts when i let things go bad or if i spill something usable. so at every opportunity, i try to use every part of an ingredient. 

which leads me to a simple, but super effective ingredient you are probably throwing away.
citrus peels can be used in a variety of ways to add flavor, color or a little style to whatever you are eating and drinking. you can use the peel before the fruit, just store it after you peel it in a plastic bag or airtight container in the fridge until you are ready to use it. now pretty much any citrus fruit works for any of the following methods so have fun and get creative! 


skinny twist
uses: small pieces can be mixed with sugar to garnish a cocktail glass. can be used in any size to decorate cakes, bars and other desserts. larger twists can be used to garnish cocktails. you will need a channel knife which can be found HERE


hook the edge of the knife into your citrus. apply pressure with your thumb and slide the channel knife around the circumference of the citrus. 


lift the knife when you have the desired length. 


citrus twist
uses: cocktail garnish. beer garnish. cake decoration. food or beverage garnish.
to execute the twist, you will need a veggie peeler. you may have one in your home, but if not, you can get one HERE.


start by hooking your peeler into the citrus towards the top (where the citrus was picked off the tree). apply pressure and drag the peeler around the circumference of the citrus, guiding it towards the bottom.


lift the peeler when you have the desired length.


citrus zest
uses: GREAT flavor adder!!! use it in marinades, dressings, frostings, batters, doughs for great flavor with no extra liquid. it can also be used to decorate desserts, add color to a plate or mixed with fresh herbs as a coating for goat cheese. you can always peel and finely chop the peel, but a micro plane is a great help! you can get one HERE


hold the citrus against the micro plane. drag the citrus against the grate. 


continue until you have your desire amount. notice that it collects on the back of the micro plane so you may need to wipe it to release some of the zest. 


xo, a